Monday, June 11, 2012


The fried donuts were probably the highlight of our Rabat trip. Below are two pictures of Jacob posing with the one dirham donuts that we would pass every morning and evening on our way in and out of the old Medina in Rabat. He even got to know the young lady who was selling them. She miss understood his Arabic when he said he loved them, and instead she thought he said he loved her. She got a little shy after that, but continued to smile at us and timidly hand us our donuts, avoiding Jacobs eyes.

Jacob posing with the amazing donuts that
they dipped in sugar for us.

Jacob with the donut lady!
 Exploring the city... It was much cooler than Fez since it was on the water, and we made sure to get some beach time while we were there.
The beautiful coast and fortress of Rabat!

The King's burial place. 

The ruins of an ancient mosque that was never completed, only the
 columns remain and the bottom of what was to become the largest minaret
of the largest mosque in the world.  

At the beach!!! Pretending to ride the baby horse! 
Then finding a big horse to ride down the beach for a small sum.

It was so much fun!

Enjoying the night life in Rabat!

Emma and I in the dance club!

Our last morning we were walking around the city and ran into a large protest. My friend found this sign lying around...
It says: We are the 99% in Arabic!!! Here you go Dad! :) 
I spy an intruder! ...Jacob trying to blend into the protest.
A nice government building in Rabat I think... it was right
across from where we sat and had dinner the first night.  
liquid Nutella from the heat on the train ride back... so delicious!